Oh, before I continue typing let me remind everyone that if you're a huge fan of proper grammar please do us both a favor and click out of this blog. It's inevitable that you will be disappointed. Admittedly I do find errors and do my best to edit these post when I do find them. Also remember that you chose to click on the link so if you are offended by some of the views I express well, again, you chose to click on the link. You can easily click out.
With that out of the way let's get started. I have to start with Facebook. Yes I do check Facebook regularly. I'd be lying if I said any different. I don't know what its turned into. It seems that Facebook has become a string of memes followed by "true" or "yep" by the poster. Or apparently it seems that I only support our troops if I "like" this post or I only believe in God if "share" that post. Good grief that's annoying. Stop giving me rules Facebook. I'm a grown ass man. And don't get me started on the politics from both sides. A lot of hyperbole, lots of rhetoric, with very little substance, and most importantly, little to no facts to back up an argument.
This let's me segue into the another topic, which is this current Presidential Administration. Before I continue let me say for the record I've voted for Republicans and Democrats. Further my views are both liberal and conservative. I refuse to buy in the social construct of Political Parties and I especially refuse to lock myself in to any specific political ideology. To do so is shortsighted, dangerous, and unproductive. Want and example? Look at the current congress. Okay so back to the President and his administration. What strikes me is the hate and vitriol that this President gets. Am I in lock step with everything this President has done? Absolutely not but my displeasure is 180 degrees different from the reasons of others. To call this man the worst President in the history of the Presidency is just lazy and dumb. So with that let use some facts because, as I have said before, never let facts get in the way of good political rhetoric.

Let me start this next paragraph with this statement. Just because your tired of hearing it it doesn't make it less true. So let me remind everyone of the conditions in 2008. America was a heartbeat away from a great depression. I think that's well documented. Both political parties had a hand in the financial crisis and Bush happened to be in office. We were in two wars and the economy was a catastrophe. I personally lived it. In general, Presidential Candidates like to ask are you better off than you were 4 or eight years ago? In my case absolutely! No question. So here is the administrations report card as of this January. Yes it's a mixed bag both negatives and positives. However in ter ms of the economy here is what strikes me.
- Jobs up
- Unemployment down
- Long Term Unemployed up
- Corp profits up (record profits)
- Stock Market up (record numbers)
- Food stamp recipients up
- Weekly earnings up
- Home ownership down
Worst President in history? Please go out and read a history book. I understand if a lot of folks don't see eye to eye with this President. There are things that make my blood boil but never get talked about because, as I mentioned before, both parties do a fantastic job of keeping non issues as earth shattering issues. Below are few examples of what pisses me off but no one else seems to care under this administration.
- F-35 (next generation fighter aircraft program) by the time the program is complete it will have cost the tax payers over a Trillion Dollars. Yes that's with a T. No one asks why no one cares. Driven by gross negligent over sight where another corporation gets paid or non-performance on the tax payers back.
- The cost of College and the system set up to finance under graduate and post graduate education. Since 2003 the cost of college as risen 73.9%. Books have been in lock step from a percentage stand point. Let that marinate in your head for a moment. For those of you with young children just imagine the cost. I have a senior in HS and a 5th grader. That keeps me up late at night not other trivial issues
- The fact that everyone seems to forget that tax breaks, tax loopholes, and subsidies for corporations are the same as welfare. I guess it's easier to demonize a sample of the population that needs publics assistance rather than corporations that profit on the backs of tax payers.
Which leads me to this. I have a question for my conservative friends. Corporations are making record profits. The stock market is at record highs, which means higher market capitalization and stock holder wealth, which is all good and have no issues with that. But where is the trickle down effect? Where is the reinvestment in employees? Where's the hiring?
Okay last topic which is immigration or illegal immigration. They say the truth comes out in a joke so I'm stealing this or giving credit to Carlos Mencia. There are at least two other countries that border Mexico aside from the USA. That's Belize and Guatemala and, here's is the fun fact, they don't seem to have an illegal immigration issue. You want to know why? Because there are no f'ing jobs there. For you hate mongers please do me a favor and refocus your energy and hate on the US companies that solicit, interview, and hire these illegals immigrants. Here's the one thing people either ignore or seem to forget. The illegals that get hired are the most qualified. Again let that marinate in your head for a little bit. Are you telling me that an American can't get that job? Here is the reality. An American will not work for that wage or want that position. Period. If they did they would be hired.
Okay my peeps until next time. This has been very therapeutic for me.
Okay my peeps until next time. This has been very therapeutic for me.
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