Saturday, February 2, 2013

Thoughts on local business

     I'm constantly surprised to what I pay attention to. There is no pattern. At least for me, it's completely random. If something strikes me as interesting I'll make the effort to investigate further. Some topics, however, are more prevalent than others. Recently two topics that constantly grab my attention can be generalized as "American" topics. One, is supporting the troops and the other is the second amendment. In the news, on the net, on Facebook, there are constant reminders that these two subjects are directly tied to Americanism or being American. No opinion just a general observation. 

     So maybe you're wondering, what does this have to do with local business? Well here it is. To me there is nothing more American than starting and owning a business. The process of developing an idea, planning, and then executing a start up business is what America is all about. In short the entrepreneurial spirit can also be characterized as the American spirit. You have to admire the type of person that is willing to take a risk on their dream knowing that there is success for failure. Yet they still make the choice to take that risk.

     I've been in our community for over 12 years and I have seen a lot of local business come and go. However it's not until the last 6 years that my attitude on local business has changed. Now more than ever I find myself  searching out local and independent operators and offer my patronage. In most cases I find the quality of the product or service better than the larger corp owned chains. That's a win for the local community and for the patron.  Yes there have been negative experiences but no more than with the larger corp owned operations.

      Am I saying that I am turning my back on the corp business? No, that would be naive. Time and money dictate that I still need to use these businesses. What I am saying is that I have made the choice to take a stand in a few areas.

Going forward I will seek local coffee houses. I will no longer go to Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, etc for my coffee. There is a local spot right down the street so that's where I will take my business. Yeah, you maybe able to package and ship boxes from he same spot but who cares the coffee is awesome.

To the extent possible, we will keep eating out to local spots

I'll also keep this local to the extent I can. There are various options for local Texas beer. However given the location and offerings, I'll at least keep my beer drinking to craft and artisan beer.

Whatever the service I'll seek out local independent businesses

That said I encourage all my friends to keep it local and keep it in the community. Have a great weekend.

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