Monday, March 4, 2013

Thoughts on drama

    I've been meaning to write a new post but frankly I struggled with what topic I'd settle on. For a moment I thought about going heavy by giving my thoughts on immigration, since that issue seems to never go away. But as I thought about it, I felt that I could not separate emotion from the topic. So decided against it. May save that for another day. So I decided to take on a subject that I think anyone can relate to. 
     In my 42 years of life I've met all types of folks. I've met folks that thrive on drama and those that have no use for it. The people that I find uniquely entertaining are those that are not self aware enough to know where they are in the spectrum. 
    I'm not here to pretend that I've never been caught up in drama. Whether it's work related, relationship related, family related, friends related, I have experienced it. The bulk of the drama was in my formative years. As I've matured, and frankly grown older, I have found that I really have no use for any type of drama. It just exhausts me. To me getting involved in any ones drama cost too much. It cost time, it costs energy, and it costs me my good mood. 
     All that said I have implemented a no drama policy. Does that mean that I'll be able to eliminate all drama in my life? Of course not. I'm not that naive, I'm still married, I have kids, and I will still have family, friends, and work, and I'm pretty sure I'll create some drama ;-). 
     So how does this no drama policy work, you may ask? Glad you asked. Here are few things I try to do to limit the drama in my life. 

Drama Mitigation Policy

  • Pick and chose your battles. "Yes Dear" has saved me a lot of time, effort, and heartache.
  • Stay out of conflicts that do not concern you. I have a, don't take sides and don't get involved where it does not concern me, strategy. You'll have the urge to put in your two cents worth. But don't... put that change back in your pocket.
  • If you find yourself spooled up about something and reaching critical mass, get up and walk it out. Go outside, got to a different room, just get away and reset. 
  • Do not enable Drama Kings or Queens. Do not give he or she an opportunity to get started. Keep a conversation focused and deal in details and avoid emotion at all cost. If the person starts down the path to Victim Lane, have an escape route. 
  • You're the parent not the child. The end.
  • Leave work at work. Don't bring that crap home. If you can't, learn how...quickly.
This post has been therapeutic for me. I will go out and continue my campaign against drama. Hope you all have a drama free week. 

Fitness update . I let the flu derail me. I was down for 7 days and got discouraged. Just started working out again today. Back at it though. 

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